Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Check out The Skimm!

this awesome newsletter gives you the lowdown on what is going on with a fun quirky twist.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Went to see Split

Check out @missfitz333's Tweet: https://twitter.com/missfitz333/status/825847036029370368?s=09

So, no spoilers, but I will say my daughter Lauren and I went to see split. Don't freak out, she is 17.... We both really liked the movie. I went in with no idea of what to expect because I had not seen any commercials for the movie and Lauren wanted to see it. I like the feel of our fancy little remodeled theater where you get to pick where you sit when you buy tickets. The seats are big and comfy and recline. Not at all good for snuggling with the significant other (if I had one) however perfect for getting comfy with a blanket because they keep it cold in there!

So, on to the movie I thought it was going to be another slasher film, we like those. It was more of a mind bendy kinda movie with a twist. Part of that twist linked it to a film called Unbreakable with Bruce Willis and Samuel Jackson. I had forgotten about this movie, so I rented it on Amazon Prime and watched it. I cannot wait for another movie to come out! I didn't know that Split was leading up to a superhero/ villain type movie and now that I do, I look forward to the follow up.

So, we enjoyed the big comfy seats, buttery popcorn and a really good movie with the possibility of more Bruce Willis!  I love him!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017

It has been over a year since I have posted and I think as my very very late resolution for the new year I am going to try and post a little something at least once a week. This past year has been one of renewing my life and finding myself again.

I have loved, lost & learned. I have found a side of me that I like and am trying to lose the things about myself that I dislike. I have grown closer with my child before she becomes an adult. I am going back to my artsy ways and drawing, painting and making jewelry. Listening to the music that makes my soul soar. Eating healthy and cooking new things.  I am trying to get out more and spend time with friends and family who make my life whole and good. Planning to travel to places I have never been.

Despite the bumps in the road my life is getting better everyday and some may not agree with my outlook on life and my views, but I roll with it everyday and try not to complain or make my problems someone else's burden or force my opinions on anyone else. I deeply believe in Karma, that things in our lives happen at the right time as you need them to in your life. When it is what feels like a bad thing, something good will come along and counterbalance the bad. If we love and give our lives the best that we have, your life will flourish with the love you give. Instead of holding on to all of the negativity of why your life is riddled with roadblocks to your dreams, jump over those bad boys with all you have and make the best of what you have! It does not have to be perfect but being thankful for what you have and striving for more is way better than always looking back at mistakes and feeling sorrow.

I hope that all who read this are blessed and have the kind of calm and understanding that I am learning to find in myself. It has not been an easy road but it is my road and I choose to make it the best I can!