Friday, January 8, 2016


Have you ever had the feeling that something AMAZING was about to happen???

My brain is in overload mode because of how wonderful I feel inside. I don't know if it is the new year or just my frame of mind. For those of you who set forth this new year with all of those awesome New Years resolutions and hopes and dreams for the new year, I wish you the best and hope they all come to fruition. I however, decided instead of having resolutions, that I will face every problem in my tiny little world with the best of intentions to turn it around and make it better.  A friend of mine recently graduated with her masters and I am soo proud of her and I was inspired (seeing as how we were both in school together and I should have been where she was but got lost along the way) I decided to put myself into high gear and do this! I registered for school at our state college (which now has a bachelors program) and got everything in order and I start classes this Monday!  I am more than excited.

On the other side of the scale, I recently lost a loved one to a drug overdose, he was a wonderful person, he just had demons that are beyond my understanding.  I think I put my life off in mourning him (he was my boyfriend & best friend).  I know this epidemic sweeping across the world is beyond anything that I could have ever done for him, as much as I loved him. Now ,I need to get my life out of the wreck and ruin he caused. I know he would not want me to mourn him forever and I am finally in love with life once again! In love with creating and having fun again!

I have put forth so many new efforts and I am excited to start seeing the fruits of my endeavors. I am hopeful that things fall into place after having been such a struggle. Good things have been happening and I am very thankful for all that I have and all that is to come!


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