Thursday, May 18, 2017

I am trying the Angel Curves waist trainer on a friends recommendation. That being said I am going to try and get some stuff listed in my old etsy store if I don't pass out while doing it from the waist trainer.  This thing is tight... and it squeezes my boobs up to the sky. So here is to me getting this stuff done.  I need to get rid of old inventory before I start making some new stuff!!!

Friday, May 12, 2017

So I am super lame with keeping up with my blog.... but that is about to change.

My excuses.. well... I studied for and passed my sales associate class to be a realtor and I am going to take and hopefully pass my licensing exam on the first try. (send happy thoughts) Also I am trying to finish my degree in Computer Information Technology and only have a handful of classes left and lastly but most importantly, my child is graduating in a week and with prom and grad announcements and all of the fun stuff that comes with that (dress shopping ahhhhh) I have been swamped.

HOWEVER, I am hopefully about to have obtained my license, will be having a little graduation of my own and then starting on my next degree, I am also going to re-vamp my etsy and my jewelry making.  I NEEEED an outlet so badly!

So with all of that said, I promise to be more visible on here and will hopefully be having some AMAZING jewelry to show off very soon!